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The Creation Account
The Spiritual World
The Big Bang
Ex Nihilo
The Laws of Physics
The Age of the Universe
First Day
The Milky Way
Protoplanetary Discs and Cyclones
The Universe Is Lit Up
Second day
The Early Solar System
The Early Earth
The Late Veneer
Third day
The Big Rain
The First Continents
Celestial and Terrestrial Plants
From the Fourth to the Seventh Day
Fourth Day
The Physical, Biological and Human Evolution
The Eden Account
Adam and Eve
The Parallel Adam/Christ
A Celestial and Terrestrial Adam
Several Paradises
The Life Cycle of the Angels
The Fall and Its Consequences
The Salvation Phase
The Human Life Cycle
Biological Laws
Original Sin
Sin and Death
Young-Earth View
Old-Earth View
Natural Selection
The Flood Account
An Early and Late Flood
The Flood Cycle
Dating the Flood
Global or Local Flood?
Early Flood Scenarios
Out of Africa
The Rise of Human Traits
Homo Habilis
Homo Erectus
Homo Neanderthalensis
Homo Sapiens
Out of Ede
Flood Calculus
Chronology of Homo Species
The Age of the Solar System
The Global Flood
Cosmological Dates
The ancestors of Israel
Abraham and Lot
Joseph and his brothers
From the Exodus to the Babylonian exile
The Exodus of Israel from Egypt
From the kingdom of Israel to the rest of Judah
The Babylonian exile
Judas Maccabeus
The prophecy of the seventy years of exile
The prophecy of the seventy weeks
The four phases of the seventy weeks
The last biblical events
The life of Jesus Christ
The primitive Church of Jerusalem
The Church during the Roman Empire
The first seven Roman emperors
The Roman empire
Daniel's prophecy of the statue
The four phases of the Roman empire
The beast ascending from the abyss
The history of Europe predicted by Revelation
The cultural and political evolution of Europe
The values of the metals of Daniel's statue
The future Antichrist
The four phases of western history
The last Saints
The overlapping of the phases
Science: dangerous religion substitute of the modern world
The end of the world prefigured by the World Wars
The Era of the Millennium
The kingdom of God
Return to a life in harmony with nature
The resurrection of all dead
Mary and the Holy Spirit
The New Eve
The wedding at Cana
At the foot of the cross
At the resurrection
The Free Woman
Hagar and Sarah
The typology of the abandoned
The typology of the married
The Bride becomes fertile
Apparition and Spirit
The Annunciation and the virginal conception
The apparitions of the Lord and Pentecost
The purpose of the phase of apparition
The Daughter of Zion
The final three phases: the new Jerusalem
The residence of God
The glory and joy of the daughter of Zion
The Woman Clothed with the Sun
The identity of the Woman
The male Child and the rest of children
The apparitions of the Virgin Mary in history
The psychological sense of Marian apparitions
Short Answers to Ten Pertinent Questions
Summary of Salvation History
About the Author
Summary of Salvation History
Short Answers to Ten Pertinent Questions